"Letitia and her horses have enabled deep transformation to take place for me. Long held and deep rooted emotional and psychological traumas were transmuted by the silent energetic healing power of her horses and her inherent psychic gifts, patience and perseverance in getting to the root cause of the dis-ease.
She has shown much generosity and right ferocity in helping me eliminate and dissolve what has caused 40 years of my life to live the life of someone else. I can feel a definite empowerment and shift that has taken place as a warrior woman, stepping into my true path and aligned destiny.
Letitia's way and connection with horses is deeper and more creative than any other place i have known. She is more than an accomplished horse woman, she is a dedicated healer and open channel for true transformation to occur.
Try one of her many sessions on the ground and/or riding, and your life will never be the same again!
I have to conclude here with her amazing assistant, the creative manifestor of Horse Spirit Healing in Cabuya Costa Rica. Her pure heart, compassion, dedicated work in support of Letitia's vision has made her a true asset in and of herself. Her own pioneering ideas and creative talents will help this endeavour grow exponentially!
Thank you again to two amazing women!
Much love and gratitude,
Zahrasati." France 12/08/2020
"Thank you for the beautiful experience, it’s an amazing place and your horses very special ♥️ felt lots of love and healing too. Yes I felt it and Wow angels are around including rainbow light, orbs too, your assistants are lovely and such a beautiful healing transmission."
Lucy Bremner. England 11/28/2020

"Last time I was at Letitias place I got really bad period pain in my stomach. It was so bad that i was thinking of calling someone to take me back home because I wasn't able to walk back. But we were about to go to the horses and I wanted my little son to see them quick and then go.
When we walked up to the horses I had my son up on my wrist to be more horse leveled. As soon as Chocolate, one of the horses saw us he came to say hello. He was tickling my son a bit and then put his head straight to my stomach as he new that there was pain.
From one moment to the other the pain just fell off of me. It all left. I was so surprised! And felt so relieved and calm. It was magical and the pain never came back.
Thank you Chocolate and thank you Letitia for the beautiful place you have created. "
Daria Jez. Germany 11/27/2020
"I've had privilege to spend 2 days with Letitia and her 6 beautiful horses. It's difficult to describe in words this experience, u would have to just give a go and go there yourself. Everything is about energy of being among those horses, about this big green space where they can be absolutely free, about Letitia - being an amazing, professional, compassionate counsellor, couch and guide. Equinoteraphy is about healing.. whatever u need, whatever it's missing in you, whatever needs to be healed it 'll be done. You will receive unconditional love from those horses, you will be sumerged in a present moment, you will be part of their herd, if you have some difficulties to understand their behaviour, Letitia will help you to interpret and to translate their language in order you could hear the message that they have for you . It sounds like magic, but its actually reality that you can experience only if you wish to. Horses are our companions since ages, they were always with us, for us, carrying us, protecting us, very often suffering for us, but were they actually only our companions? What if I told you that they 're also the healers and that I truly experienced that? What if I told you that they are our guides who teach us how-to be better humans ? What if I told you that they are examples and sources of inspiration for everyone ? Horses were always my biggest passion but I never looked at them in such way.. it completely has changed after those 2 days spent in Cabuya with Letitia and her horses. If you, same as me, love those animals and you want to discover more things about yourself, maybe you want to bring peace and balance to your life, or maybe there are some things that needs to be healed, or maybe you would love to build a true, profound, healthy relation with your own horse, I can only say- this is a place for you. I feel truly grateful and incredibly happy that I could be a part of this horse's family for 2 days. Definitely unforgettable experience which will stay deeply in my heart."
Daria Wiecka. Holand 11/16/2020

"Myself and my four children have had the privilege of attending two of Resonance Ranch's Cabuya Kids programs. It has been a truly beautiful experience to observe my children interacting with horses in their natural environment. The Ranch horses are clearly content with their lives, and extend their healing energy to everyone present openly and honestly. There is a wonderful community coming together at Resonance Ranch, and I am honored to be a part of it!"
Jennifer McLennan. Costa Rica 10/28/2020
"My husband and I took the Farm and Beach tour at Horse Spirit Healing in Montezuma. Letitia and her team offered a very different experience, where we explored a completely new relationship with horses. They taught us a new point of view on how to approach the horses to connect with them in a deeper way. Moreover, we were able to brush and saddle the horses while understanding their likes and dislikes and their hierarchy in the herd. Then, we had a beautiful ride at the beach ending with a nice meal at a front-beach restaurant. I highly recommend this tour to anyone willing to explore new types of experiences with horses."
Gloriana Alvarado Blanco. Costa Rica 10/20/2020
"We will be doing Equine Therapy if/when I move back to Montezuma. I wish that it had been recorded, the experience I had with one of the horses.....I was sitting on a chair (had a lot of sciatic nerve pain) during our meditation, after which the horses came (of their own volition) into the circle and the horse you see in the video came over to me and started sniffing and kind of gumming with his lips (I'll call it "lipping"), the top of my head/hair and then began lipping/licking me from my shoulder down my arms. At first I was a bit scared, afraid he was going to bite me, but then I began relaxing into it and got goosebumps all over as a light-filled/loving energy was moving through my body.....this went on for what seemed like about 5 minutes until she took the horse away from me. At the end of the session when I got up to go back to the house, the intense pain from my sciatic nerve was GONE!!!!!
Since coming to Costa Rica, I've owned, and ridden, horses for many years, and NEVER in my life have I had such an experience. I can't wait to return to "RESONANCE RANCH" and see the horse,
Kati Winnegrad. Costa Rica 9/16/2020

"I don't have enough words to thoroughly express my thanks to Letitia. I was able to reach into my dark places and release deep pain and merge and land in the safe, loving space that she created. Her strength and compassion was overwhelming in the warmest, best possible way and I walked away feeling stronger and more whole. Letitia is truly a gifted light worker and has my deepest thanks and gratitude."
Amanda. Colorado 6/22/18
"From the moment I sat with Letitia as her client, I felt a warm connectedness with her. She made me feel as if I was the only person on the planet, and she was interested in my well being. The thinking and healing she empowered to happen within me is truly a gift. I can't recommend her enough! She is a gifted coach who will help you create the life you are seeking."
Daeylyn. 2018
"Wow! Letitia's coaching was brilliant in bringing the client closer to her dream. She was able to move the client away from the negative and toxic people in her life. She asked great questions bringing clarity. Letitia held the space beautifully. The client walked away embodying a greater sense of peace. Letitia created a safe space for her client. Letitia is an amazing coach!"
Santana. Maryland 2018
"Dear Letitia, I want to thank you again for one of the most enjoyable rides I've had. Your horses made the experience very relaxing and fun, and if I lived closer I would sign up for lessons! You are a fantastic instructor, as well. I learned a lot from you, and much of what you said "clicked" with me for the first time. I really got a lot out of it, even if I had to leave Vegas Behind!
Best wishes, and Happy Winter!"
Dee. Vermont 2017

"Letitia is a wonderful coach! She gently and skillfully will help you to find the root cause of your pain and a way how to heal it. "
Mara. Latvia 2018
"Letitia was very strong and safe at the same time, A powerful combo."
Cheryl. Colorado 6/22/2018
"Letitia is naturally calming, curious and supportive. Her authentic approach flows beautifully to bring comfort of self expression in her client. Letitia provides a very safe space for healing."
Maggie. Colorado 2018
"Letitia guides clients through an experience that lightens the soul."
Kelly. Pennsylvania 6/26/2018
"Wow - powerful coaching and sensitive support."
Terry. Grand Junction 2018
Tim C
May 2022
I am a believer that Leticia and her herd can help a person achieve whatever it is that they are seeking, and I do not say this lightly! I arrived figuratively at Leticia's doorstep in the darkest and most devastating moment of my life. I was in a downward spiral and desperately trying to make sense of certain sudden events that had just transpired in my life that had driven me to the brink of insanity. I had already been through two therapists plus several friends and family members, and none of them were able to stop my falling, let alone regain my footing. In our first session, Leticia was able to stop my fall, and from that point forward I've been steadily climbing and evolving toward my highest self and goals. I am and will always be grateful to her, and it would be an understatement to say that any person who has the opportunity to work with a person this gifted is incredibly fortunate.
Paula M
Healing Horses
Jun 2022
This was a magical experience that I will try to put into words. This was a month immersion where I arrived without knowing where my life was going, what I wanted to do or what direction to take. I arrived at Resonance Ranch with the only intention to heal in nature and with horses. I never imagined how much unconditional love I was going to receive from the horses, Letitia and Rio. Working with the horses and the team at Horse Spirit Healing, helped me set boundaries, channel all the “negative” feelings that I was so afraid to express and gave me my life purpose back. Each day I experienced a different, deep and meaningful connection with nature, horses and women that maybe I didn’t see as intentional but I’m sure the horses and the universe planned perfectly for my healing process. I received unconditional love by looking at a horse’s eyes, I felt compassion for my anxiety by reflecting it in a horse, I was able to say stop to a powerful animal and cry while feeling the chest of a horse against mine. Also, I was able to take care of the herd of horses, make sure they were at their nest everyday and love them unconditionally everyday. At the end I was able to recognise that I was ready to go back to “normal” life, that I had processed all my traumas, I had express most of my feelings and I felt peaceful enough to live in Love-Joy. I will always be thankful for the time that I spent in Horse Spirit Healing and all the unconditional love, life lessons, reflections and healing that I received from this blessed herd of horses.
If you need to heal, relax, re evaluate your life or find your purpose, this is really the place to be.
Paula M
Anne Tk
Dec 2021
We originally chose Horsespirithealing as an opportunity for our 17 year old to taste equine therapy/coaching because it is a potential career interest for her. I only knew that I was in search of a healing, restorative environment after more than two years immersed in helping to hold the collective trauma of a global pandemic and a country in limbic-system reactivity. What I received went far beyond what I could have imagined from our week long customized trip. We were greeted by a radiant young therapist, Rio, with a tray full of tropical delights, and an invitation to enter this sacred space of intentional connection with horse, nature, spirit, and ourselves. Imagine sipping your morning coffee to the roar of howler monkeys, a troop of capuchin monkeys flowing from tree to tree, squawking macaws, prehistoric iguanas on the rooftop, and chirrups from a tree filled with green parakeets. Riding bareback, and loping and swimming with horses would have been enough, but our guides took the experience to another level by introducing us to a new way of listening and communicating with our own horses and the herd. We were expertly guided through many meaningful moments of connection with our own deeper aspirations in our interactions with horse and other rich, diverse modalities. As a psychologist I was new to the coaching model, and was surprised by the power of my equine Gestalt coaching session with Letitia. Her intuitive sensibility and fiery presence shepherded me with great skill and compassion through a difficult piece of healing work in which two powerful horses crossed a field to participate in the most breath-taking and meaningful ways. I was left feeling touched by and awakened by the Divine. My daughter’s session with Rio was equally transformative and I have seen her walk in this world with more confidence and boldness in the months since our return. The experience set into motion a new clarity of intentions and daily connection to what matters most to me and I will be forever grateful.