Equine Gestalt Coaching
In EGCM the horse is an active partner in the coaching and healing process. Together, Horse and I, guide You through your experience to bring you to the answers and healing within You, that are outside of your current ability to access and change. We help you to isolate the unfinished business that is causing you pain or blocking your path to success and happiness. Through experiential gestalt methodologies we assist you in clearing the energy and patterns that have been holding you back from you best self and bring back "wholeness" of self.
Horses help you achieve the life vision in your heart...

What life challenges can EGCM assist?
What does a coaching session look like?
EGCM Phone Coaching
EGCM at Resonance Ranch
EGCM Common Questions
Is EGCM coaching for Me?
No matter what life circumstance, change or trauma has deeply affected you, EGCM can help you move forward to achieve your goals and intentions for a fuller and happier life. Horses eyes see deep within us, their hearts reach places within ours we have not found ourselves. Their mere touch and presence can heal us, making whole that which was fragmented, restoring that which was lost.
Through the two years of training to become a certified EGCM coach, I discovered that which my horses were whispering for decades. A way to assist them in what they have desired to do all along - bring healing, insight and a deep connection to horse, spirit and self.

What life challenges does EGCM assist?
Discover your Life Vision
Joy, wellness & Peace
Heal trauma
Let go of limiting beliefs
Create positive patterns
Self love
Self awareness & empowerment
Life transitions
Empty nest & retirement
Childhood trauma
Body image
Couples & family counseling
Conflict mediation
Career & personal goal development
Team building
Practical tools to move forward
Deepening connection with horse and self
What does a coaching session look like?
EGCM sessions take many forms, unique to each individual who experiences the process. Some prefer to have their sessions in private with horse and coach. Others find groups, retreats and workshops empowering and connecting in a way never experienced before. In either setting, You will experience respect and safety in a nurturing and confidential environment.
Resonance Ranch EGCM sessions
Ideally, EGCM sessions take place at Resonance Ranch with the horses. Most of the time we work with the horses in “Free Liberty”, connecting directly with the horses as they co-facilitate the unique and organic experience we share. The Herd brings their innate healing abilities as a collective and individually to your session.
Phone Coaching with EGCM
EGCM phone sessions are powerful and effective as well. Using Skype we can live video, connecting with the horses and nature, bringing the healing energy and impact right into your own home.

EGCM Common Questions
What do I wear?
Come in close toed shoes and comfy clothes that you don't mind looking a little horsey by the end of your session.
Does EGCM involve riding?
Sessions are with the horse in a Free Liberty setting, free to authentically interact with you under the supervision of your coach. Riding is not involved.
Is horse experience necessary?
Absolutely not.
How long is a session?
Because of the intentional presence inspired with The Herd in this deep experiential; connection, many experience the ability to take deep dives into the healing process and sessions can last 2 - 4 hours.
How does EGCM work?
There is no easy or one answer to this question. Each session is as unique as the individual involved. What is similar is that EGCM is an effective and healing method designed to bring wholeness and awareness and productive change to your life. This is done through the creative gestalt process, facilitated with the expertise and healing abilities of horse, coach and, of course, your own inner wisdom.
For more information about Equine Gestalt Coaching Method and the 2 year certification program please visit touchedbyahorse.com and read more about this revolutionary process and the renowned founder Melisa Pearce.