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Writer's pictureLetitia watson

Cabuya Caballo Kids Project launches in Costa Rica

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

Horse Spirit Healing launched the first free Cabuya Caballo Kids project in Costa Rica

I am so excited to share the beginning of this beautiful project within the very first week of Camilla joining HSH. With her aid and other volunteers, our first Cabuya Caballo Kids experience dawned with sunshine and 15 children and families coming to connect and learn with the six special horses of Resonance Ranch!

The Cabuya Caballo Kids project was a vision in my mind long before Resonance Ranch and our six special horses manifested into my life. I knew in my heart that the children and the Elders were coming, even before I knew where I would invite them to or even the very horses I would share with them. In my vision I could see the Tico children & Elders connecting with horses in the Compassionate Horsemanship way, a way very different than most here understand horses. I spoke of this vision to families on the beach, people I met on the bus, strangers I happened across walking down the street. I spoke with Intention and Trust, knowing that the first program created from my heart would be one of giving back to the tiny little fishing village of Cabuya that captured my heart 25 years ago.

It is my belief that the power of this vision helped manifest Resonance Ranch and the six special horses that have now come to Horse Spirit Healing. I needed a land that was accessible and flat and beautiful and private in order to bring this work to the community. A big tall order in a tiny little village! When I added to the wish list: next to the sea and a cute little casa with my horses in the backyard, the order became even taller. Ask and We Shall Receive has been the message of my horses all along. And so it was and so it is. Resonance Ranch and special horses came into my vision with a perfection and ease that was magical.

Once Resonance Ranch manifested, the Cabuya Caballo kids vision expanded even more in my mind. Not only did I see the children and Elders connecting with the horses in mutual respect, inspiring the opening of their hearts, I now envisioned creating art and connecting in authentic movement and music on this beautiful Ranch. I could see the children’s inspired art sprinkled about on trees, decorating buildings - little tokens of creation reminding the children of their connection here every time they returned.

This Vision became real On September 16th as 15 children and their families joined us for the first session creating a Community Connection built around the horses and creativity. I am so grateful that this heart vision was the first intentional Gathering Circle here at Horse Spirit Healing at Resonance Ranch. I am so grateful that our circle and intention was blessed with two honored Elders who solidified another vision that burns with a deep fierceness in my heart. These two very important Elders, shared their place of honor in our opening Circle, my dear old friend Ninoska and my new beautiful Sister Friend Kati. The joining of the Elders and the children with horses is an important aspect of another grander vision that fills me with hope and abundance. A vision of a rich Pura Vida Elders Community that brings joy, meaningful purpose and intention to create a rich Pura Vida final chapter in our Elders lives.

Thank you for sharing our Horse Spirit Healing message. More to share as the vision unfolds…

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